Sunday, December 13, 2009


EtherPad is a way to share text and documents on the internet. You can create new text, or you can import your already made documents. However, I tried to import one of my documents, and ran into trouble doing it. I was unable to see if students would be able to make changes to the documents like you can on Google Docs. If students could do that, EtherPad would be a little better because there is no login required, like there is for Google Docs. I noticed that Google bought EtherPad on Dec. 4. This is probably because Google noticed that EtherPad was better! One use for EtherPad would be to teach Problem Solving Strategies. I could set up a problem on EtherPad, students could make posts about what strategies (or how to use a specific strategy) they would use to attack the problem. We could then examine these posts in class. Problem Solving Strategies are very important in math, yet I think that we don't really teach them because there are so many other concepts that need to be taught. I think EtherPad could be an effective way to incorporate problem solving strategies using a minimal amount of class time.

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